by Sherry | Nov 5, 2013 | Blog
Starting to feel like November in the colder air as An Elegant Touch of Strings arrives (early as usual!) to perform for a wedding at the beautiful old Kohl Mansion in Burlingame.
by Sherry | Nov 5, 2013 | Blog
It’s always a pleasure to drive through the beautiful old historic town of Burlingame. Such atmosphere and not surprising to have a beautiful mansion in town either!
by Sherry | Oct 27, 2013 | Blog
I got a chance to attend the Live Oak Baroque Orchestra, part of the Sonoma Bach series today in Petaluma. Theme was Bach’s Italian Foremothers— yes, women composers and some composing in their teens. Absolutely stunning music performed by a stunning cast...
by Sherry | Oct 26, 2013 | Blog
An Elegant Touch of Strings performed at the Sea Nymph Vineyards in Rio Vista. The grounds are beautiful and I wish I’d taken another look at their dining hall which they were working on last time I’d seen it but remember it was looking really sharp even...
by Sherry | Oct 26, 2013 | Blog
Now this is what I call fine treatment! We need shade for our instruments. It protects their value. This very colorful Indian wedding saw that we had the nicest tent in town! But honestly it’s not good for our skin either and the time we’re actually in the...