It’s not so often I get a chance to get away to attend other concerts, and especially my friends. But today two musical friends and myself got a chance to hear some rarely performed music (my favorite these days!) at the beautiful St. Andrews. Our friend Decky (Margaret Thornton) is the backbone to these fine performances in Pleasant Hill, CA three or four times a year. Super talented Decky, violinist, performed a very beautiful Mozart piano quartet with her equally talented cousin Cheryl Seltzer from New York on piano. The performance had such energy and  ‘color’ as my friend Janet has put it! Here’s a couple of pictures.

Decky and cousin (will get name shortly)

Cheyl Seltzer, piano with cousin Decky, violin

St. Andrews Chamber Concert, Pleasant Hill, CA

St. Andrews Chamber Concert, Pleasant Hill, CA

If you want more information concerning these free concerts (donations benefit the Interfaith Housing) then send me a quick email and I’ll get you the next performance date, upcoming:

Sherry Lewis, An Elegant Touch of Strings  [email protected]