We got a chance to hear the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra perform Handel’s amazing Saul. It’s nice to catch up with family and friends here and there and just enjoy the beautiful music, something we’re usually doing ourselves!
These days I arrange music with a program although I’ve had my by-hand days as well. But it never ceases to amaze me how these great composers did hundreds of hours of incredible music, much of it completely orchestrated for dozens of instruments, and all by hand. Of course not to forget no playback capabilities that we have enjoyed for decades. These composers were true geniuses but as my chemistry professor used to say, genius is the ability to do work, and they knew the real meaning of work too.
Some of my thoughts when I attend great performances, and then the genius of the conductor and expertise of the musicians to make it all happen as the composer had intended. Truely world class.
Here’s a favorite picture of the performance we attended. I know several of the musicians and so it’s an extra treat to hear one of the world’s best orchestras and also know the performers!

Philharmonia Baroque Concert, First Congregational Church, Berkeley