The oleanders in the background add a nice color to the ceremony while the flower professional adds the final touches.
It was a warm but breezy day at the ever so beautiful Elliston Winery. We got there very early to catch some moments of set-up and talk with one of our favorite ministers, Steve. The minister told us that he matches his ties with the color choices of the wedding and sure enough his tie was a great match.
The second picture here is an amazing boquet shot by our equally talented violinist. I hope you can see it larger because it really is stunning. I really enjoy the staircase picture too.
An Elegant Touch of Strings can perform as a string quartet, string trio, string duo and violin solo for your wedding or special event.

A boquet picture to end all boquet pictures– I think you’ll agree! An Elegant Touch of Strings photo

Another artful shot of the aisle flowers linihg the staircase the bride will use for her exit.