Davies Symphony Hall where I took BART to hear this wonderful concert. An Elegant Touch of Strings likes to catch up with other amazing performances as well from time to time of course!
I went to a SF Symphony concert last week to catch violinist Gil Shaham but before his amazing performance was this also amazing set-up for the first piece with exotic dancers as well. Can’t remember the style but is the rage in Asia and all over the world. Very colorful, very fun. Caught these pics before the performance started. I didn’t even notice what else I would catch for the concert just very excited to hear Shaham live. I ended up in the front row about 6′ from the stage!
Here are some fun pics. It’s nice when I can get out to a concert since we performers are often performing of course! But caught this during a matinee actually.

Gil Shaham’s poster for his Prokofiev #2 performance at Davies Hall

A close-up of one of the drums. The rhythm section was very complicated and always in perfect unison. Amazing soung.