Now this is what I call fine treatment! We need shade for our instruments. It protects their value. This very colorful Indian wedding saw that we had the nicest tent in town! But honestly it’s not good for our skin either and the time we’re actually in the ceremony area is always more than anyone thinks of, being there early to set-up and just be there to assure our clients that we’re present, and then most ceremonies start late, time after. I have seen more damaged-skin wedding officiants than you can imagine, both women and men.
Here’s a picture of our wonderful tent for our group An Elegant Touch of Strings and a pic from the tent overlooking the beautiful gardens the couple were married in.

An Elegant Touch of Strings lavish tent provided by our clients String Duo- String Trio- String Quartet

An Elegant Touch of Strings view of the beautiful garden from our tent
String Duo-String Trio-String-Quartet